Within the next ten years (2013-2023), the Royal Bafokeng Nation (RBN) aims to achieve a position of economic maturity capable of maintaining growth with limited intervention. To this end, the RBN Integrated Development Strategy has been implemented to ensure an appropriately diversified economic landscape characterised by a skilled workforce and a society free from the constraints of poverty.
Through strategic interventions, the RBN will facilitate:
- sustainable economic growth,
- high quality infrastructure maintenance and urban development,
- skills development,
- empowerment of households and communities, as well as
- the preservation of local culture and the promotion of community identity.
Such an achievement of economic maturity will be transformative in how settlements are organised and interact. Phokeng will emerge as a ‘post-apartheid city’ offering first rate infrastructure, opportunities and services with a focus on green energy and conservation.
In 2006 a comprehensive Master Plan was adopted which sets out the future vision and focus areas for development of the RBN. The plan recommends interventions in a variety of industries throughout various economic systems and will require careful planning, financing and partnership development. A new company,
Moumo Integrated Development (Pty) Ltd (Moumo), has been established to coordinate these tasks.
Background to Moumo:
- Implementing agent to Royal Bafokeng Nation (RBN)
- Responsible for implementing Master Plan policies
- Creating infrastructure to turn pockets of RBN's land into economically viable areas of development
- Identifying opportunities and/or partners to enhance commercial opportunities on RBN's land
- Increasing RBN's income from its land and/or reducing its liabilities
The functions and mandate of Moumo:
- Ensure the timelines proposed in the RBN Integrated Development Strategy are adhered to
- Implement the economic systems approach
- Create infrastructure to turn pockets of RBN’s land into economically viable areas of development
- Find partners for execution and/or the required funding to implement policies
- Identify opportunities and/or partners to enhance commercial opportunities on RBN land
- Increase income from RBN land and/or reducing its liabilities, ie ensuring mine rehabilitated land is considered for commercial opportunities
- Coordinate stakeholders from the public sector, including representatives from the provincial government and municipalities, as well as governmental agencies/departments such as the IDC and DTI
- Coordinate stakeholders from private sector partners and service providers
- Ensure community involvement in the development process in consultation with the Supreme Council
- Form partnerships with industry leaders and specialists, the Rustenburg Local Municipality (RLM) and the mines operating on RBN land
Moumo's mandate as an extension of the Royal Bafokeng Administration's critical and core competencies:
Land developed:
- without selling land
- without encumbering land
- in partnership with specialist who will manage and remain responsible for maintenance out of income generated by the project
- without using RBN funding/capital
Moumo deliverables in line with mandate:
- Standalone projects must be financially viable
- Sustainable beyond mining
- Meet social needs and requirements of traditional community
- Raise most optimal forms of funding
Rural development:
Moumo's mandate as an extension of RBA's critical and core competencies