Assessment of national and local energy requirements have indicated potential energy deficits in the short and medium term at both local and national level. This deficit, coupled with the rising cost of energy and supply constraints, have resulted in Moumo identifying projects aimed at diversifying away from a single energy provider and instead developing affordable renewable and alternative energy sources in the region in order to promote continued industrial and economic growth.
Increasing concerns over climate change and its impacts have resulted in a move away from fossil fuels and a drive toward developing and generating energy from sustainable resources. Recognising this trend, the National Development Plan actively encourages and promotes greater economy wide energy efficiency and investments in renewable energy. In addition, the Industrial Policy Plan further identifies and affirms the significance of the renewable energy and energy saving industries as areas of significant potential in terms of employment generation, economic growth and as a path toward a more sustainable future for which funding is readily available. Furthermore, the development of renewable energy also forms part of the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commissions Strategic Infrastructure Projects which has earmarked significant funding allocations for infrastructure development in the North West Province.
The RBN, through Moumo wish to capitalise on this challenge and develop it into an opportunity to develop alternative, renewable energy as an alternative energy source aimed at promoting economic development in the region and in response to rising energy costs and issues with supply. As such, potential opportunities in terms of photovoltaic (solar), waste to energy and biofuels are currently being assessed and investigated to determine their appropriateness and feasibility. Furthermore, these opportunities are being framed in the context of the rehabilitation of disturbed and impacted mining land, as they offer a unique manner in which land can be re-introduced into the economy and practical land use reinstated.
Synergies and partnerships
The Department of Energy
- Impala Platinum
- Agreenco Bioenergy
- Aren Energy
- University of the Free State
- Job creation
- Affordable, renewable energy sources
- Carbon Tax reductions
- Rehabilitation toward achievable end land use on impacted land
- SMME development
- Economic development
Current status and next steps
At present the viability of a PV installation to supplement mine electrical requirements is being undertaken. The project is aimed at developing a PV facility with an installed capacity of up to 25 MW as a first phase. In addition to the PV installation, a biofuels project is being undertaken to develop a diesel alternative for mine fleet vehicles and mineral processing start-up. Estimated yields of up to 820 000 litres per month are envisaged. In addition, the biofuels project is also being used for its potential to rehabilitate disturbed land and re-introduce it into the economy as an energy-cropping activity thus making use of marginal land which was once considered soley as an environmental liability. Both projects are currently at desktop stage and are envisaged to proceed toward pre-feasibility in the next 6 months.